These house cleaning tips will help you save a lot of time and money

Would you like to find ways to spend less time cleaning all while having an impeccable house? Here are some cleaning tips you absolutely need to know!


Even though cleaning is part of our daily lives, it is far from being something we enjoy doing. In fact, it is often more by obligation than by choice that we clean our home. Thankfully, we can shorten the time we accord to household chores with the help of a few house cleaning tips. Some of these can even help you save some money! Here are a few housework tips that will completely change the way you clean, and for the best! 

1. Clean your hardwood floors with a homemade cleaner

Truc et Astuce

Do you feel like making your hardwood floors shine? Know that it is possible to do this with the help of a DIY cleaner. All you need are these ingredients: 1/2 cup of vinegar, 1 tablespoon Castille soap, 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol, 2 cups warm water, the essential oil of your choice (optional) and a spray bottle.

Mix all these ingredients together and pour the liquid into a plastic spray bottle. Spray the cleaner on the zones with dyed wood and you will get surprising results!

2. Use a lint roller to clean your fly screens

Sélection du Reader’s Digest

Use a lint roller to remove debris like animal hair and spider webs on your fly screens. It is a hack that is both practical and easy!

3. Clean your bathroom air vents in less than 10 seconds

Practically Functional

The next time you’re in your bathroom, take a look at the air vents in there. If they are filled with dirt and dust, it is time to clean them as soon as possible! Use hot and soapy water to scrub the air trap and a vacuum to remove the dirt inside the trap.

4. Clean a microfibre sofa without getting a headache

Are you looking for ways to remove grease stains and dirt from your microfibre sofa? Take a spray bottle, and pour some rubbing alcohol in it. Spray the liquid on the stains and dry your sofa with a hairdryer to make it spotless. You can also scrub the stains with baby wipes until the stains are humid and they disappear.

5. Clean your range hood filter with a degreaser

Family Handyman

Use a water-based degreaser bought at a car part store to clean your range hood filter. This hack will make you save you a lot more time. More than if you place it in the dishwasher or with any other cleaning method.

6. Pour some Pine-Sol at the bottom of your toilet brush holder

Smart School House

Make sure your toilet brush always smells fresh, clean and citrusy by pouring a little bit of Pine-Sol at the bottom of the toilet brush holder. Not only will this help to remove any bad odours in your bathroom but this trick will also help to clean and disinfect the brush. Genius, isn’t it?

7. Clean your bathroom walls with a mop

Life Should Cost Less

Your bathroom walls can get dirty quite quickly. Use a Swifter or a mop made to collect dust with your favourite cleaning liquid to remove dirt in tough to reach areas.

8. Clean your air traps by using a butter knife and a cloth

Here is the best technique that exists to clean your air traps! With just a butter knife wrapped in a clean cloth, you can go between hard to reach zones and remove all the accumulated dust and dirt in the vents.

9. Clean your glass stove top surface with only three ingredients

Happy Mama Tales

Do you have a glass stove top surface? Here is how to clean it:

  • Take some baking powder, hydrogen peroxide and dishwashing soap;
  • Mix these ingredients together and pour the mix on your stove top;
  • Scrub the surface and let it sit for about 3 minutes;
  • Wipe the liquid off and that’s it!

10. Fill your washing machine with warm water and add a quarter of bleach

One Good Thing by Jillee

When was the last time you thoroughly cleaned your washing machine? You should clean it from time to time. Here is how to do it:

  • Do an entire cycle, only using bleach to clean and disinfect the machine;
  • Do a second wash cycle with some vinegar to help dissolve soap scum and grime.
  • Use scouring pads to clean around the laundry machine drum.

11. Here’s how to clean mouldings

The Country Chic Cottage

Use a magic eraser-style sponge to clean your mouldings. After cleaning them, use cotton-tipped swabs to access the smallest little corners.

12. Use vinegar and baking soda to clean your window frames

The Intentional Mom

By using baking soda, white vinegar and an old toothbrush, you can get rid of all the dirt and dust that accumulates in your window frames. You’ll be surprised how clean your windows will be without using too much of your time nor effort!

13. Clean your dishwasher with bleach, vinegar and baking soda

One Good Thing by Jillee

This is a 4 step cleaning process. You need to use baking soda, bleach and vinegar in 3 different cycles. After these, your dishwasher will have a great smell and will seem good as new!

14. Clean your toaster with a paintbrush


Are you wondering how to clean your toaster? Take some dishwashing liquid, vinegar and an old toothbrush to remove all the food crumbs in and around your toaster. Then, finish the cleaning with a paintbrush.

16. Clean the waste disposal with a toothbrush

Do you notice an unpleasant odour coming from the waste disposal in your sink? Try to lift the waste disposal splash guards to expose all the food residues and use the old toothbrush to remove all the dirt.
