The desire to escape loneliness is all too common. With the immense stress of daily life, escaping from your environment can certainly be attractive. While a one-week vacation is usually enough, for others, a month or year is not enough. In some cases, this can take decades. A man decided he needed to get away from society and its constraints,...
Homelessness is a common problem among veterans in America. They often suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), have difficulty adjusting to civilian life and must find employment in an already competitive labour market without relevant recent experience. Although many organizations have formed to help these veterans, many continue to go unnoticed and end up on the street. In October 2017,...
A nice smile is one of the most valuable things a person can own. Consequently, whitening your teeth can be extremely expensive. But getting rid of teeth stain does not have to dig a hole in your bank account. All you have to do to is change a bad few habits and try this weird trick to change your...