Like anything else, the bathroom needs to be cleaned whether you like it or not. If you dread this odious task, here are some good tips for you! These 7 cleaning tips are quick and easy.
1. Cleaning a Mirror

The bathroom mirror becomes covered with dust, makeup and toothpaste, to the point of no longer seeing you face? Spraying cleaning products or water on paper towels tends to leave a lined and spotted glow. Try this technique instead.
- Infuse 3 bags of black tea
- Pour the tea into a spray bottle and use it to clean your mirror.
- Instead of a paper towel, try the newspaper to get less scratches.
2. Clean The Soap Residue in The Shower

Mix half a cup of vinegar with half a cup of dish soap. This will remove dirt and make your shower or bath tub shine.
3. Get Rid of Water Stains With a Lemon

By rubbing a lemon directly on your faucets and the metal parts of your bathroom, all the water stains will disappear. For places that are hard to reach, put lemon juice on a toothbrush.
If you do not like lemon’s smell, you can put vinegar on a cloth and roll your faucets.
4. Clean Your Toothbrush Holder

If your toothbrush holder is clogged, there is a easy way to clean it. Just throw it in the dishwasher and let the technology do the job for you..
5. Clean the Toilet

Your toilet’s best friend –> white vinegar.
This cleaning solution kills germs, bacteria, mold and makes your throne shine.
- Pour the vinegar into the top of your toilet
- Give it time to act while spraying vinegar around the seat and clean.
- Soak vinegar on a paper towel.
- Place everything underneath the toilet and leave for a few minutes.
- Remove the toilet paper, clean under the rim with a cleaning toothbrush, then rinse for a thorough cleaning.