7 Quick and Simple Ways to Utilize Salt to Your Advantage

It might sound bad to you, but the truth is that salt isn’t just good at seasoning. It has multiple alternate ways to be used besides eating.


It might sound bad to you, but the truth is that salt isn’t just good at seasoning. It has multiple alternate ways to be used besides eating. These unusual purposes of salt can literally save lives when stock in a bind. Now get to know these 7 quick and simple ways to utilize salt to your advantage.

8. Clean a Sticky Iron.

If something sticky is stock on your iron, it’s not even a problem. Turn it to high and let it warm up. While it’s heating up, grab some wax paper and sprinkle a generous amount of salt on it. Iron the salt with circle motion for 1 minute.

7. Cleaning Eggs.

If you accidentally drop an egg on the floor swamp it with salt. Let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes, the salt will work as a coagulant and let your brush that eggy mess easier.

6. Stop Grease Fire.

The worst thing that can happen while cooking is a grease fire. To stop this as fast as possible, sparkle some salt directly onto the flames. It will cut off the flow of oxygen  and smother the flame.

5. Clean a Nasty Burned Food Pan.

If you walk away from the stove and forget about your food, don’t worry, it won’t be too hard to clean afterwards. Cover the inside of the pan with a nice layer of salt and then add a little bit of water. It will slowly lift off all the grease and sticky burned food. After about 10 minutes, simply wipe away the debris and clean with dish soap.

4. Clean a Greasy Sponge.

Fill a container full of water and add a generous 4 cup of salt. Dip the sponge in and leave it over night. Your sponge will look brand new.

3. Bathtub Stains.

Check your garage for some turpentine and mix it with an equal amount of salt. We suggest 1 cup of each. For this trick, make sure your windows are open and wear safety gloves. Stir the mixture and apply it on a sponge to rub the stains. You will see the results after juste a minute or so.

2. Disgusting Hair Clog.

First, clear all you can with your hands and now let’s make some natural Drano. Measure out 1/4 of a cup of baking soda and a 1/4 cup of salt. Shake it up a bit and pour it directly into the open drain. Now get yourself about 1/2 cup of white vinegar and pour it down. The reaction will foam up and start eating away. Let it sit for 15 minutes to let it do it’s full job. To clean out the rest, pour down boiled water.

1. To recap all these tips, watch the video bellow:


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