Some people are very passionate about cooking, but it isn’t the case when you classify yourself as an unsure cook. If you count yourself as one of those, be aware that many basic tips can and will help you. They can greatly simplify your cooking experience and make you a better cook. Here are 25 essential cooking tips ready to help you feel like you know what you are doing. After all, no need to get a degree in cooking to be good in the kitchen!
25. How to slice an onion without a tear

Opt for the freezer. Leave your onions in for 30 minutes. When it will be time to cut them, you won’t cry if you do this. Do not do this trick, however, if you do not intend to cook your onions.
24. Cutting a bell pepper

- Cut the top and the bottom of your pepper.
- Insert your knife in and move your pepper in a clockwise motion to separate it from the seeds.
- Slice the rest of your vegetable.
23. Add cinnamon and salt to your coffee

Before brewing your coffee, add no more than a pinch of salt and some cinnamon to your coffee grounds. Your coffee will be less bitter, while cinnamon will add some flavor. This is a great way to take your daily energy boost to the next level!
22. Heating your leftovers

If you are heating a pizza in a microwave, put a bowl of water next to it. Moisture will preserve the crunchiness of the pasta. This is, truly, the number one tip to survive college.
21. Extracting more juice from your citrus fruits

To extract more juice out of a lemon, take it out from the refrigerator first. Then put it in the microwave for 15 to 20 seconds. You’ll save time and energy this way.
20. Stop your pan from boiling over

In order to stop you pan your boiling over while cooking, lay down a wooden spoon on top of your saucepan.
19. Boil pasta better and faster in a pan instead of in a pot

Yes, that’s correct, your pasta will boil quicker and better if you do them in a pan rather than in a pot. You’ll also be saving water, which is good for the planet! Yay! If it’s good enough for professional chefs, it’s certainly good for you too!
18. Salt juicy vegetables before incorporating them into a salad

To avoid having a soggy salad, just add some salt (lightly!) over your juicy vegetables before incorporating them into your salad. The excess of water will be brought out by the salt, and your vegetables will stay crunchy as a result.
17. Grate cheese like a pro

Leave your brick of cheese in the freezer for 30 minutes prior to grating it—an investment of time that will leave you feeling like a chef.
16. Removing seeds

To quickly remove the seeds from your vegetables, take a melon spoon. Its rounded edge is very practical.
15. Cooking corn

To cook your corn, put it in the microwave for 6 to 8 minutes with the peel. This one will take off of itself while cooking.
14. Roasting a chicken

For a perfectly roasted chicken, open it throughout its chest and lay it down in the oven on the breasts.
13. Boiled eggs

- To peel a boiled egg, grab a Mason jar filled with some water and put the egg in.
- Cover the top and shake well.
- Get the egg out of the jar.
- You will be able to remove the shell without much difficulty.
12. No Rolling Pin? Hello wine bottle

Don’t let your lack of rolling pin keep you from baking. Surely you have a wine bottle (or even a beer bottle, if you are really committed) somewhere in your home? Use that. The trick works whether it’s full or empty, but we bet your cooking could benefit from dutch courage and added confidence. Who knows, you might accidentally end up in your very own episode of My Drunk Kitchen…
11. Remove the skin from a kiwi

- Slice your kiwi in halves.
- Grab a glass and hold your fruit against the rim to slowly remove the skin. Your kiwi should fall into the glass.
- You can also use the same trick for mango and avocado.
10. Cupcake molds

If you no longer have paper cups for your muffins, use some baking paper. Cut out squares and put them in the mold before putting your dough.
9. Perfect egg

Break the eggs directly into your pan and instead of adding oil, add water!
8. Match the temperature of plates to the temperature of food

This one is easy, yet it will make a good dinner into a fancy one. Cooling or warming your plates will upgrade everyone’s eating experience; hot food will stay hot longer, and cold food will stay cold. Warm your plates by putting them in the oven at 200 degrees for 4 minutes, or cool them by placing them in the fridge 15 minutes.
7. Peel an orange easily

If you have trouble peeling your oranges or lemons, put your fruit in the microwave for 20 seconds and try to peel it again.
6. Remove fat excess from cooked foods

If a dish you have cooked has too much fat (such as chop pork), grab some ice cubes and a paper towel. Wrap the ice in the paper towel and put it on the food. The ice will attract the excess fat that will settle on the paper towel.
5. Master the plastic wrap

To avoid tearing your roll of plastic wrap, store it in the fridge, as professional cooks do. When the roll is cold, the film does not tear anymore.
4. How to froth milk

Are you a fan of Starbucks? Stop wasting all your money on their expensive latte. All you have to do is fill a half-full Masson jar with milk, close it with the lid, shake it vigorously for 30 seconds. Then remove the lid, put it in the microwave for 30 seconds until foamy. There you have a perfect latter for no money—a great tip if you are working on your savings!
2. DIY chocolate molds

To make your chocolate molds, all you need is a deep baking dish, brown sugar and melted chocolate.
- Place the brown sugar in the baking dish and make sure the surface is thick enough for the object that will serve to mold the shape.
- Place your object in the brown sugar, remove it gently, and drop it on the other side to be able to mold both surfaces.
- Once both sides are molded, remove the object.
- Pour your melted chocolate into the cavity left by the object and wait until it cools and dries.
- Remove the cold piece of chocolate from the brown sugar when it’s ready.
1. Cutting a banana in slices

- Grab a banana and a sewing needle.
- Take your needle, tuck it into one of the corners of your banana and slide it inside, going from left to right.
- Repeat 1 inch lower, and another inch lower until you reach the bottom of your banana.
- By peeling your fruit, you will see that it will already be sliced!
- Bonus: hand over your banana to a friend or to your kid. Ask them to peel it. The banana will already be cut in slices, ready to be eaten. They’ll believe you are a magician!
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