Has this situation ever happened to you? You go to a friend’s house and they leave certain foods out on the counter that you usually put in the fridge? Who is wrong? Here is a list of foods that you can keep at room temperature without having to think twice. After reading this list, you won’t be startled when you see eggs on the counter at your friend’s place.
24. Butter

Butter can be stored in the fridge or at room temperature depending on the texture you desire. If you want it to be soft, it’s best to take small amounts out at a time so you can preserve it longer.
23. Melon

You should keep your melons at room temperature until you slice it. Once you’ve cut it, keep it in the fridge.
22. Potatoes

Potatoes, like onions, should be kept in a cool and ventilated place. Don’t put those foods in the fridge because the cold from the fridge converts the starch from your potatoes into sugars, which makes them taste sweeter and when you cook them their colour fades.
21. Garlic

This food should be preserved in a cool and dry place. Avoid placing them in a plastic bag or a Tupperware. This will make the garlic rot and sprout rapidly.
20. Tomatoes

Have you noticed that tomatoes placed in the fridge lose some of their taste? The cold from the fridge makes them lose their flavour. It is best to keep them at room temperature, close to the ground and far from the sun.
19. Bread

Bread, in general, but especially fresh bread becomes stale more rapidly when you put it in the fridge. Leave it in its original packaging and leave it on your counter or in your pantry.
18. Coffee

If you place your coffee in the fridge, it will absorb all the odours from all the other foods in your fridge.
17. Avocados

If you want your avocados to ripen so you can eat them one day, you should leave them at room temperature, in a brown paper bag that you leave open.
16. Soya sauce

If you want to preserve your soya sauce’s flavour, keep it in a cool, dry place far from sunrays.
15. Basil

Sensitive to the cold, basil tends to release ethylene, which makes your other fruits ripen more easily, all while deteriorating its own leaves.
14. Apples

Placing your apples in the fridge helps them last longer, but if you are eating them all in a week or less, it is best to keep them at room temperature. It is also best to keep them far from vegetables since they release ethylene which will make them ripen faster.
13. Peanut butter

Peanut butter lasts forever, so leave it in your pantry. It is even better if you place it upside down to preserve its freshness or else the oil could rise to the top after a while.
12. Chocolate spread

Your Nutella, for example, should always stay in your pantry. If you read the packaging closely, it is even indicated. The cold will harden the chocolate and you won’t be able to spread it on your toast anymore.
11. Hot sauce

This is another sauce that can be kept longer if you place it in the fridge, but hot sauce, like Sriracha, should be left in a dry and cool place, like it is indicated on the bottle.
10. Bananas

Maybe you don’t know this but bananas grow in warm countries so they are not used to cold environments. It is logical to keep them at room temperature and to avoid exposing them to too much daylight.
9. Oranges

Oranges prefer being at room temperature, just make sure they are not exposed to too much sunshine, and that they have some breathing space between them.
7. Marmelade and jam

You probably would have never guessed this but marmalades and jams should be kept in the pantry. Since they contain fruit, they are naturally acidic so this repels any bacteria risks. You can easily keep them in your pantry for 3-6 months.
6. Eggs

Most people leave their eggs in the fridge. You should keep them at room temperature for one simple reason: eggshells absorb odours from foods in your fridge. Nobody wants to eat eggs that smell like cheese or fish!
5. Cucumber

By placing your cucumber in the fridge, you risk of deteriorating its taste and make it wilt. It’s better to leave it on the kitchen counter.
4. Honey

You place your honey in the fridge just like your jams and marmalades? You will probably end up with crystallized honey, which is not practical once you’re ready to consume it or cook with it. Honey preserves itself well at room temperature, just make sure the pot is closed properly.
3. Onions

Placing onions in the fridge will make all your other foods smell like onions. It is best to keep them in your pantry.
2. Olive oil

You should leave your olive oil in your pantry. If you leave it in your fridge, you will end up with olive oil with a butter-like consistency.
1. Fruits with pits

The cold stops the ripening process of fruit. You should leave your pitted fruits at room temperature so they can ripen uniformly. Your peaches, apricots, and nectarines will be less acidic and sweeter.
- Huffington Post Québec
- fourchette-et-bikini.fr
- body-op.com
- Coup de Pouce