10 Incredible Ways To Use Vinegar In Your Garden

Your garden will never have been so beautiful after using vinegar. You will be amazed at everything you can do with this product.


Chemicals and toxins are the last things you want in your garden. The market offers thousands of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Although these products are super cheap, they are really bad for the environment, not to mention their detrimental effect on your health. Vinegar is the right option for gardeners who are looking for an environmentally friendly product that is both affordable and safe. White distilled vinegar has many uses in the garden. You will be surprised to know more about its true powers. You can find it in any grocery store at an affordable price. It is safe for the family and the environment. Here are some of its most impressive uses.

10. Keep cats and wild animals away

Rodents, moles, dogs, cats and rabbits hate the smell of vinegar. So, if your neighbour’s cat likes your garden and you want to keep it away, just spray pure white vinegar around your backyard.

You can also dunk old clothes in vinegar and hang them on your backyard clothing line or in your garden.

9. Your clay pots will never get dirty again

Clay pots are amazing because they keep the soil moist and protect roots during hot summer days. Let’s not forget the fact that these make your garden beautiful.

On the other hand, clay pots tend to absorb minerals, calcium, salt from water and fertilizers. White vinegar will help you make your clay pots shiny and clean again.

Here is what you should do:

  • Rub off residues on the jar;
  • Dip the pots in a mixture of one cup of 5% vinegar and 3 to 4 cups of water;
  • Leave them in the mixture for half an hour;
  • If you still see some dirt, wipe them with undiluted vinegar.

8. Enjoy cut flowers longer

  • Add 2 tablespoons of vinegar and a teaspoon of sugar in your vases;
  • Put your flowers in this special water and change it every 3-5 days;
  • This mixture is a kind of “food” for your flowers.

7. Ward off ants

White vinegar is the best organic insecticide. Spray the affected areas and the ants will disappear in no time. Spray again after a few days and you will never see an ant again.

6. Remove weeds

Spray pure white vinegar on weeds to get rid of them. Your garden will be neat and impressive.

5. Get rid of fruit flies

The following liquid will help protect your fruits:

  • Mix half a cup of apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of molasses, one cup of water and one-quarter cup of sugar;
  • Transfer the liquid to a container of your choice and hang it on your fruit tree;
  • Fruit flies will fly into the liquid and get trapped;
  • This solution also works for flies.

4. Get rid of insects in your garden

  • Mix 1 cup of water with one-third of a cup of vinegar and one teaspoon of dish soap in a spray bottle;
  • Shake the contents and spray your garden.

3. Remove rust from garden tools

Use undiluted vinegar on your tools. Spray them with vinegar or simply soak them in the liquid for a few minutes. All you have to do next is to properly rinse them.

2. Fight against fungus

If your plants do not grow well or have dark spots on their stems and leaves, they are probably filled with fungus or mould. White vinegar will help you get rid of these.

  • Add 2 teaspoons of vinegar to a chamomile tea pouch.
  • Spray the mix on your plants.

Roses require a different technique:

  • Add 3 tablespoons of vinegar cider to 4L of water.
  • Spray it on your roses to get rid of the fungus.

1. Kill slugs and snails

White vinegar will keep slugs and snails away from your garden. Simply spray a little bit of liquid in the areas where they hang out.
