When we are in a new relationship, everything seems awesome, special and wonderful. However, sooner than we would like, the routine kicks in and it may seem that everyday life is something trivial at this point. But when a loving husband chooses to start illustrating is everyday life with his beloved wife, what seems trivial before looks so very cute now.
1. Everyday Cuddles

Sometimes, life can be harder, or awful, or boring. But like this illustration shows, life is always happy when you have a beloved significant other in your life.
2. A Unique World for Two

In every relation, there’s a unique world hanging between the two lovers that no one else can access. From inside jokes to special hugs to sweet words, they are alone in this. However, to keep the flame growing between them two and to preserve their love, they have to enter that unique world every single day.
3. The Trip Home From IKEA

The home you share with your special one is the ground base of your relationship. You shouldn’t hesitate to move in with the one you love and to visit an IKEA store near you as a couple to furnish your love nest.
4. There’s Nothing Wrong With a Bit of Silence

It’s always nice to have some quality time with the one you love, to do activities or something more romantic, but it’s also good to do nothing and just appreciate the presence of the other while doing something just for you. You know you’re with the right person when you can be together without talking or doing something and it’s totally fine.
5. The Morning Routine

Mornings are tough, but when you’re not alone, the other person can help you pass over them by giving you some energy. Just the fact that you can look at each other can fill you up with happiness and confidence for the day to come, and that only by brushing your teeth or eating breakfast together.
6. You Can’t Compare Love

Each relationship is unique. Love is different for everyone, it’s a really personal feeling. No one lives his love the same way as the other does. Your relationship represent you – the one you love and yourself – and no one else. While other couples can enjoy their evening out doing some crazy stuff, you may prefer to stay home and create memory in your living room, lying on the lap of your love, legs up on the wall, while she’s reading.
7. Making Peace After a War

Fights are inevitable, even in the most loving couples. It’s totally normal and the only thing you have to remember when it happens is that you can’t always be the one who’s right. The secret to make peace again after a war? Just be patient and remember why you fell in love with each other in the first place.
8. You Always Learn Something New, Day After Day

When you’re in a long-term relationship, you learn something new about your significant other each day, but also about yourself. Love is good at putting you out of your comfort zone and you have to embrace these moments and consider them opportunities to develop and improve yourself.
9. There’s Always Something New Coming

Love renews itself every single day, helping you and the person you love develop yourselves and never being bored. Every moment, even the hardest, can bring you something new.
10. Embrace the Good Things

Sometimes, things are harder than usual. Life is not always perfect, but try to remember together, in the hardest time, the loveliest memories you have of the good old days. It will help you go through the roughest moments.
11. Time to Go to Bed

Falling asleep alongside the love of your life is the best feeling ever. But waking up alongside each other is also pretty good. Why don’t you just stay together, lying in bed, cuddling a little, while you forget for a few minutes everything else?
12. Caring for Each Other

When you love someone, you’re willing to do any little favours you can for the other. Often, it’s something simple, maybe cute, even, but those things are real proof of your love, like when you carry your wife back to your bed when she falls asleep on the couch, for example.
13. Everyday Fun

In a relationship, even the everyday tasks can turn out being fun, you just have to make them as such. To achieve that, you can set together common goals, then help each other reach it to make you feel great about it. That’s how you will help preserve a long-lasting, true love.
14. Kissing Reveals Emotions

Kisses aren’t just kisses, they are expressions of your feelings; of all kinds of them, both love and doubts, both happiness and reconciliation. Kisses can express things you can’t say with words anymore.
15. Always Together

Sure, it’s always necessary to have some alone time when we are in a relationship, but surely, the best times are those spent together, when you have the impression that your soulmate is always there to have your back and love you.
16. Expecting

Expecting a child brings a relationship to a whole next level. It’s an entire new human being that will grow alongside you for the rest of your life, so it’s inevitably a wonderful moment you can never forget.
17. Time Passes By

From expecting your first child to having a family of two children, a lot of time passes by. But again, every single day between these two realities can bring you the possibility to learn and experience new things.
18. Family Trip

It’s possible to go on a trip with the whole family, even with the third one you’re expecting! Enjoy everything you spend together, have fun, create some good memories and forget everything else for a few days.
19. Reading Nest

It’s really important to read books with your children from an early age. It has a huge impact on their emotional development, it creates beautiful memories and it’s also a great quality family time.
20. Father-Son Time

Without you noticing, your children are 5, 8, 15, 21! This is why you need to cherish every moment you can spend with them, even when you’re at home. When they are old enough to have a work of their own, or even an apartment and, after that, a family, you won’t be able to spend that much time with each other.
21. Family Is a Synonym of Comfort and Care

When hard times come by, your family is always there for you. Your love and your children will always be your first source of emotional comfort and practical help. Also, they always know how to put a smile on your face.
22. Spending Nights in the Kitchen

When a woman is pregnant, she can crave for food at every time, even in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, if the man is the kind to support his wife even in those moments, he’ll probably look as pregnant as her at the end of the nine months!
23. With a Third Kid Comes a New Car

Most of the cars aren’t made to fit three kid seats, so unless you’re very lucky or you shop your kid seats quite wisely, you’ll need a new car. Here’s when the minivan arrives in your life! With that, you won’t have any problem to bring everything you need for you or your children with you at any time.
24. The Big 30

Turning 30 can be hard and stressful for some people, but when you wake up on this grand morning and you see all your family around you to wish you a happy birthday, you can’t consider you otherwise than lucky and it’s certainly the best start for a beautiful day.
25. It’s Happening

That moment when everyone is asleep and your wife wakes you up to announce you that the baby is coming. You wake up at once and get up fast!
26. Apology

In a relationship, a perfect love is defined by a small fight and a quick apology. Especially when your wife is pregnant and has frequent mood swings.
27. Feeling Your Baby Move

That moment when you feel your future child move when you put your hand on his mother’s belly is priceless and unforgettable.
28. The Perfect Family

When you’re back home with the new baby and your children are getting to know each other, it’s one of the most beautiful moments ever. The older brother already loves his little sibling unconditionally.
29. Freckles

The freckles that are lining her nose and cheekbones are one of the things I love the most about her. Hopefully, the kids will inherit that.
30. Miscarriage

Each time a miscarriage happens, it’s a big loss for the whole family. Couples tend to mourn in silence, but it’s nevertheless important to know that it can happen to everyone, and it does. You’re never alone in your grief.
31. Grief

For some people, creating is a way to put closure to grief. Crying can help for sure, but creating something that reveals and extracts your emotions can also be a good way to help you cope with a loss.
32. Going to the Movie

Movies can make you travel and discover a whole new world, but also making you forget yours for a while. There’s always more stories to immerse you in.
33. Quick Kisses Are the Bests

Just kissing your significant other gently when you pass her or him by is enough to make you feel both great.
34. Showing Your Love In Front Of the Kids

Why not? It’s important that your kids know that their parents love each other. It’s never too early to learn about the beauty of love and anyway, they probably just find your hugs and kisses very funny.
35. Sneaking Into the Shower

Why shower alone when you can save on water while having a little bit of fun together?
36. Come On, Wake Up!

Sometimes, putting kids in bed is exhausting and endless, so parents often fall asleep on the guest bed. Weirdly, however, the kids are always the firsts to get up in the morning and want you to get up too.
37. Another Kid

It’s a wonderful moment when you finally can announce that you’re expecting another baby, especially after two miscarriages. This time, we borrowed a heartbeat listening device, so we can listen to the heart rhythm of our future child for hours.
38. Messy Nights

For the new baby coming, sometimes you have to renovate the children’s bedroom, so they have to sleep in yours. And they sometimes continue to come even after the renovations are over. It’s a little messy, but having all your family around you when you sleep is a lovely feeling.