This Is Why Your Cat Eat Grass!

Animals sometimes act in a very strange way. If you've always wanted to understand your cat's or dog's behaviour, read this article now.


We do not always understand why our pets adopt certain behaviors. It has to be said that sometimes they act in a rather strange way, which leads us to question their behavior. However, by examining their past (before they are domesticated), we can find some likely answers. Indeed, dogs are domesticated wolves. As a result, their behaviors are the result of the wolf pack. However, some of their behaviour remains quite strange. Here are some of these behaviors explained.

1. Taking the snout


When two dogs hang out together and one seems to bite the snout of the other, it may be a little shocking to the owners, but it’s not something to worry about. It is just a social behavior that dogs inherited from their ancestors the wolves. Dogs assert their social relations in this way: the dog that bites the other dog asserts its position of authority and reassures the other dog, who does not feel safe.

2. Chat in the box

Trust My Science

It is no secret that cats love cardboard boxes. Small cats and big cats alike love boxes. They like to sit in boxes, even if they barely suit them. It seems that, at least for domestic cats, boxes reduce stress by providing a safe enclosed space.

3. The inclination of the head


You may have noticed that sometimes when you talk to your dog, he tilts his head to the side. That’s very sweet, but why is he doing that? Well, little research has been done on this subject, so scientists do not have a clear answer, but they have some plausible hypotheses. There are two possible reasons for the head tilting. Dogs may lean their heads to better see your facial expression, as it can be difficult to see around a long snout. The other hypothesis would be that dogs do this to get along better with you.

4. Yawn

Assur O’Poil

While a yawning person is perceived as annoyed or tired, yawning actually has a different meaning for dogs. Your dog’s yawning is not necessarily a sign of fatigue but is often a peacemaking behavior. They do it to show you or another dog a sign of friendship or peace. And they probably interpret your yawn in the same way.

5. Lick the face


Some find this gesture endearing, others find it boring, and many find it disgusting, but dogs continue to lick people’s faces. Even some wolves do it to humans. Why are they doing this? Well, it’s to show that they consider you a friend and to remove any aggressive or controlling behavior.

6. Panting


You’re probably used to your puppy panting with his mouth open and his tongue out, but do you know why he does that? Dogs pant to cool themselves because the evaporation of their saliva eliminates heat. Humans sweat to do this, but dogs only have sweat glands on their legs, which prevents them from getting rid of a lot of heat in this way.

7. Scratching furniture

Sciences et Avenir

Although cats are adorable, they can sometimes become boring. One of the worst things cats do is scratch furniture, carpet and just about anything. Unfortunately, this is a natural behavior for them. Scratching is good for their claws, as it removes the dead outer layer of the nail. In addition, scratching is used as a way for cats to mark their territory. Cats are quite territorial and are used to living alone, so they don’t like other cats encroaching on their territory. Cat legs have odorous glands, so the smell and visible scratches are used to warn other cats that it is their territory.

8. Rolling on the grass

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When dogs go outside, they like to roll in the grass. Why do they insist on doing so? Maybe it’s another behavior from their ancestors the wolves. Wolves roll around in an interesting smell to put it on their bodies and then bring it back with them. The pack then sniffs the perfume and can even follow it to its source. Maybe your dog finds an interesting smell and brings it to you because you are his family. Or maybe he’s rolling in the grass for a whole other reason. There are other possible explanations.

9. The mysterious humming

Binette & Jardin – Le Monde

There are few things that bring more joy to a person than the purring of their kitten; it is soothing and comforting. But while cats often purr when they hug, they also purr in radically different situations, such as when they suffer or give birth. As it is done in such different emotional circumstances, it is not considered communication. In fact, scientists believe that it is actually a form of self-medication. Low frequencies have been shown to help develop bone density. Thus, cats purr to heal and maintain the health of their bones. And it is even possible that your bones may benefit from being next to their vibrations.

10. Your dog follows you into the bathroom


Dogs don’t seem to give you any privacy. They tend to follow their owners into the bathroom, which can be a little uncomfortable, to say the least. In fact, dogs have a pack mentality and they don’t see intimacy the same way you do.

11. Chewing and destroying

Chewing is one of the most annoying things dogs do, but there are many reasons for this. For puppies, this can relieve any pain they may experience when their adult teeth arrive. For adults, this keeps their teeth clean and their jaws strong. But if your puppy only chews when you’re not at home, he may suffer from separation anxiety.

12. Your cat’s appetite for grass

Binette & Jardin – Le Monde

When you leave your cat outside, he gets a little sun and starts eating grass. And then he probably vomits up the grass he just ate. Cats can’t digest plants (although they can get a vitamin from them), so why do they bother eating them in the first place? Cats are likely to eat grass to reject other indigestible materials in their digestive tract: the bones, fur, and feathers of their prey.