Baking soda also called sodium bicarbonate can work wonders. It is very useful against inflammation and the spread of bacteria and is also widely used to reduce the level of acidity in the body. In the old days, it was even used to make cleaning soaps. You probably have at least one box of baking soda in your house right...
Cooking errors are much more frequent than we might think. Surprisingly, even people who are great cooks make these mistakes. You could be making errors while cooking your favourite meal without even knowing it. Discover 15 cooking errors frequently made by people and easy tricks to rectify them. After all, it's never too late to learn some basic cooking tricks! Speeding...
Laundry is something we can easily do on autopilot. After all, once we are used to doing something, we tend to do it again and again without much thought. Have you ever considered that there are more efficient and cheaper ways to do laundry? Here are 16 tips to become a laundry pro! Leave yourself laundry notes Reading those tiny laundry tags on your...