Top and worst cities for quality life!

Our list of the best and worst cities to live in worldwide is based on the careful analysis of the socio-cultural environment, recreation opportunities, transport infrastructure, public services, health and social care, natural environment,...

Historic Diseases on the Rebound

You may have seen stories in the press about diseases you might have thought had been eradicated, such as the bubonic plague, tuberculosis, and measles. If you find this worrying, you're not the only...

20 foods to avoid at McDonald’s!

The employees of the well-known fast food chain did not hesitate to reveal to the public the worst choices to be made on their menu. Sometimes the food is not fresh, sometimes it is...

Steer away of these 17 Chinese food products if you value your health

This is especially true of Chinese food products, which often contain harmful pesticides and other chemicals—or even, completely different ingredients to what it says on the label. Here are 17 Chinese-made foods that are...

The 20 most unhealthy everyday foods

The food you give your body every day plays a vital role in your overall health, so you need to keep an eye on what you eat. While daily exercise and health insurance certainly...

Here are 16 deadliest foods you regularly consume

What you eat daily could determine your future. To live until you're old, stay healthy for the rest of your days on earth, and have a good retirement, you should avoid certain foods. Of course,...

Tap Water: The Best And Worst American Cities To Drink It In

Nowadays we’re all being encouraged to drink tap water instead of bottled water. This is mostly a good idea: the environmental benefits are inarguable, while the evidence is inconclusive that bottled water is any...

This Baby Has Never Eaten Sugar and Carbohydrates: Here’s the Result!

Shannon Cooper is an Australian health and wellness coach known for her blog My Food Religion. When she became a mother in 2014, she made the decision to raise her daughter in a very...

15 amazing ways dogs can improve the lives of seniors

As we age, we experience the painful reality of the empty nest. Children leave and start families of their own, and the grandchildren also start to grow up, and their visits become more and...

20 beaches where you should never dip a toe

A trip to the beach is one of life's great free pleasures. Sun, sand, swimming, a few friends and a few beers and you've got the makings of a perfect day. But you also...