9 methods to cook shrimp perfectly every time

In addition to their delicious taste, shrimp are extremely quick to prepare. It is, therefore, perfect food to bring a touch of exotic flavours to your weekly meals. But fast does not mean easy....

30 symptoms of major depressive disorder to look out for

Depression affects millions of people worldwide and can have devastating effects if it isn't treated properly. With 6 different types of depression: major depression, atypical depression, dysthymia, postpartum depression, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and seasonal affective...

Foods to avoid to maintain a healthy lifestyle as one grows older

Thirty is not old but you also are not getting any younger if you've officially left your 20s behind. You can't eat everything you crave, as you used to when you were a growing teen,...

20 plants and animals you should never touch

Nature is fascinating and some of us can’t help being hands-on and adventurous. People love safari, underwater marine experiences and petting zoos. Nevertheless, there are many members of the animal kingdom, and plants too,...

7 Things That Happen In Your Body When You Eat A Banana

Bananas are an extremely popular fruit. There is nothing surprising about that. This fruit, which is grown in 107 countries, is inexpensive and very nutritious. However, it must be noted that despite the fact...

Here’s what to do to not get sick when the seasons change

Many people hate the change of seasons and we can understand why: we usually associate this time with the flu, or cough syrup. As soon as the thermostat drops or increases a few degrees,...

Dental Implants For Seniors: A Beautiful Smile Beyond Your Seventies

Dental care is immeasurably better now than it was in the past, and it's improving all the time. Still, many millions of Americans lose their teeth, either through periodontal disease, injury, or tooth decay....

21 Essential Cooking Tips For Every Unsure Cook

Some people are very passionate about cooking, but it isn’t the case when you classify yourself as an unsure cook. If you count yourself as one of those, be aware that many basic tips...

This Woman Eats Several Eggs a Day: Find Out Why!

Eggs have developed a bad reputation over the years, and for no good reason. In fact, you have probably heard about the fat content of eggs, the cholesterol in egg yolk or the hormones...

25 Foods To Ban From Your Shopping Cart

Having a healthy lifestyle starts with having a balanced diet. You can't expect to maintain a healthy weight or have nice skin and hair if you eat junk all day long. When you go...