[Photos] 26 Practical Uses of Lemon You Should Know!

Not only is the scent of this citrus delicious and refreshing, but this fruit is also very practical for everyday hacks. Indeed, this citrus can help you clean your house, and give you some...

Now that I know this trick, my perfume lasts all day

Have you ever noticed that some people always smell good? These people constantly attract people around them, unlike people who smell bad. Obviously, the people that always smell good don't smell this good naturally. To constantly...

You’ll Never Guess Why This Woman Puts Her Shirt In The Freezer

Your freezer should not only be used to store discounted meat you've bought or that lasagna you made that could feed a small army. You can use your freezer to fix common and small problems or...

Create more volume in your hair with these simple and natural tricks

Most people want beautiful, silky hair with tons of volume like fashion models have in magazines. However, we often think that to obtain these luscious locks, we need to spend a small fortune on hair...

20 Reasons Why Aluminum Foil is Essential to Your Life

Aluminum foil does not only help you to cook your favourite foods. Discover all the other fantastic uses of this material. Everybody owns aluminum foil in their kitchen. The contrary would be surprising: this is a...

15 Cooking Errors That You Should Avoid At All Costs

Cooking errors are much more frequent than we might think. Surprisingly, even people who are great cooks make these mistakes. You could be making errors while cooking your favourite meal without even knowing it. Discover...

Many women make these mistakes using their mascara

Most women often or regularly use mascara. It is a makeup bag staple. It's affordable and allows us to add a bit of oomph to our look in two quick motions. Unfortunately, a lot...

14 ways to use your microwave that you do not know

Sold for the first time in 1946, the microwave is now, 70 years later, one of the most used kitchen appliance of all times. It allows you to quickly heat up food and it...

7 simple and quick ways to use salt in your life

This might seem strange and surprising but table salt is not only useful in the kitchen to season your favourite foods. There are many ways to use this seasonning outside the kitchen. Salt can save...

Here’s How To Save On Heating This Winter

The price of heating during the winter can escalate very quickly: nobody wants to be cold during that time of year or get sick because of the cold. For the sake of your budget, it is...